IRS to delay closure of tax transcript fax service

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Wyden asked to keep the program going for tax practitioners in the wake of the government shutdown.

Booking, Spotify CEOs plead with EU not to impose tech tax

Chief executive officers from some of Europe’s largest tech companies hope to avoid a tax on digital revenues.

1950s Hollywood forged a golden age of tax avoidance

Prior to the Tax Reform Act of 1986, the tax code was full of loopholes that individuals could take advantage of, especially movie stars.

Will CFOs prove their mettle in 2019?

Less than a month into the year, uncertainty, consumer-friendly business software and integrated planning trends are already playing out. How will finance leaders adapt and adopt?

The TCJA versus home ownership

Is tax reform dampening the real estate market for first-time buyers?

Accenture to sell accounting software that allowed it to cut 40,000 jobs

The new platform suggests ways to streamline and automate processes in areas such as finance and accounting, marketing and procurement.

Productivity hacks: Getting more out of your valuable time

Busy season has barely begun and you can expect it to be one of the most frenetic and stressful tax seasons ever. Take control of it with some handy apps.

GOP senators reintroduce bill to permanently repeal estate tax

A trio of Republican senators has reintroduced legislation to get rid of estate taxes completely.

Shutdown hurt small business outlook

The 35-day partial government shutdown had a negative impact on the outlook for small business owners, although there was a slight uptick in hiring and wages last month, according to payroll giant Paychex.

CFP Board adds digital certificate for professionals

The new certificate can be added to email signatures, websites and social media platforms to quickly verify a professional’s credentials.