In the blogs: Here come da judge

IRS fraud-detection; restoring the personal exemption; divorce and taxes; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

GAO says IRS needs to improve its human capital management

The Internal Revenue Service needs to do a better job of managing its employees in the wake of budget cuts that have forced the IRS to severely reduce tax audits, or else it could be putting its mission at risk, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.

AICPA makes recommendations to IRS on foreign tax credit rules

The institute also released guidance on auditing prior-period financial statements.

House lawmakers introduce bill to fix ‘retail glitch’ in tax law

Bipartisan legislation would make a technical correction in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that has kept many stores and restaurants from renovating their facilities.

Raise your hand if you want to be audited

These red flags always draw the IRS’s attention.

R&D nexus: Who worked on what?

Failure to establish nexus may undermine a bid for research and development tax credits.

10 tips for success in the 2019 tax season

Tax professionals offer their top strategies for surviving and thriving through April 15.

Wirecard surges after law firm finds only minor accounting irregularities

Wirecard AG surged the most in more than a decade after saying irregularities found in an external investigation into fraud allegations in Asia weren’t material.

Damage control: Fixing DIY returns

Tax pros share how they handle panicking self-preparers.

Trump asks courts to erase Obamacare in risky 2020 election move

The administration is hardening its legal position toward the Affordable Care Act, arguing now the entire law is unconstitutional.