New Yorkers pay 30% more in U.S. taxes than national average

Empire State taxpayers sent about $24 billion more to the federal government last year than they got back in spending.

Deloitte Canada fined $350,000 for independence problems

The firm relied on technical reports done by an affiliate during three consecutive audits of a Canadian gold-mining company.

Is there a future for tax refund checks?

An all-electronic vision, security concerns, and other highlights from the latest IRS National Public Liaison meeting.

Red teaming

Creating your perfect competitor makes you a better, more focused firm.

Tech savvy leads profession's needs

The AICPA and NASBA agree: Accounting grads need to be fluent in technology to be an attractive new hire.

Capitalize on client buying cycles

Identify the windows of opportunity within each purchasing cycle.

AICPA announces 2018 John L. Carey Scholarship winners

The American Institute of CPAs’ annual award is given to non-traditional accounting students pursuing CPA licensure.

Double-down on work-life balance

The Best Firms take their commitment to flexibility very seriously.

In the blogs: The rights stuff

Social Security bump; what accountants do; no IRS taxpayer rights training; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

The Neat Company ups its machine learning game

The expense management and bookkeeping automation company can now classify receipts, invoices and bills of lading.