AICPA names winners of 2018 Contributions to Accounting Literature award

Four professors were honored for their research paper examining FASB standards and shareholder value.

IRS targets loopholes for $415B business owner tax break

The Internal Revenue Service provided some long-awaited answers for business owners hoping to dodge the limits on a juicy new tax break.

In the blogs: Blood from stones

Helping injured vets; donation changes; states conforming to the TCJA; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

Manafort’s former tax accountant fired by firm after testimony

Paul Manafort’s former accountant was fired from a Virginia firm after she told the court she was aware that Manafort’s tax returns contained false information.

How to demonstrate data security compliance for even the most skeptical auditor

One crucial requirement is an indisputable audit trail that satisfies the evidence requirements of even the most scrutinizing auditor.

UCLA professor receives CGMA 'Early Career Researcher' award

Henry Friedman, assistant professor of accounting at the University, was recognized for his work in management accounting.

States take feds to court with ‘creative arguments’ over the SALT cap

Facing the loss of a valuable deduction, high-tax states file a lawsuit.

Ninth Circuit withdraws decision reversing Tax Court in case involving Intel subsidiary

Last month, by a 2-1 margin, the Internal Revenue Service won a reversal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of a Tax Court decision involving allocation of expenses between domestic and overseas operations of a corporation, in this case Intel subsidiary Altera.

How to market yourself as an expert to clients

It’s tough to stand out as a professional services firm these days, especially in a field like accounting.

Gates testifies he stole from Manafort and helped him break tax laws

Paul Manafort’s former right-hand man, Rick Gates, broke his silence Monday and offered dramatic inside testimony about how wealthy Ukrainian businessmen used offshore accounts and shell companies to pay his boss millions of dollars for political consulting work.