Welcome to year one of ASC 606

Last month a very strange thing happened.

FASB updates disclosure requirements

The Financial Accounting Standards Board made two changes to its conceptual framework and released a pair of accounting standards updates aimed at making disclosures in notes to financial statements more effective.

Steinhoff ex-CEO to tell lawmakers of finance industry flaws

The retailer’s former chief, Markus Jooste, has agreed to appear at a hearing next week in South Africa, provided it’s not about his company’s accounting scandal.

The new digital era calls for a new digital strategy

Accountants can’t settle for ‘good enough’ anymore — it’s time to ‘think different.’

Tax reform sparks a global tax conflict

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has had major unexpected ramifications around the world; Avalara’s Richard Asquith dives into the fallout.

Trump insiders could offer ‘holy grail’ of hidden finances

Michael Cohen’s guilty plea is opening a door to a long-closed world — the business of Donald Trump.

‘I Was Cheated’: Tales from the collapse of commodity giant Noble Group

As Noble Group’s troubles mounted, the role of Singapore’s regulators has come under scrutiny.

What young leaders wish they had known

Emerging leaders in the profession list communication, technology, and succession planning as vital to future success.

New York, Connecticut taxpayers have Plan B options to beat SALT

Taxpayers in New York and Connecticut still have a few potential options to avoid the hit from a new cap on state and local tax deductions, while residents of other high-tax jurisdictions may only have creative estate planning as a last resort.

Security in the cloud for accountants

Going online offers many benefits, but doesn’t relieve firms of the need to keep data safe.