In the blogs: Insults to injuries

Avoiding double taxation; memorable marketing; the United mess; different kinds of returns; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

The changing dynamics of tax reform

Whether it goes before health care or after, it’s likely to be much later in the year.

Today’s a great day to fire 'D' clients

Art Kuesel on the importance of taking stock following tax season.

IRS empties Tori Spelling's bank account

The 90210 actress and her husband are neck deep in financial trouble.

IPSASB calls for comment on ‘heritage’ reporting

The international board is seeking input on accounting for some of the world’s most precious assets.

Reporting, forecasting are top concerns for finance execs

However, companies are not prioritizing a tech budget to address these issues.

Drucker & Scaccetti's redesign has staff 'Dancing in the Street'

Philadelphia firm celebrates new logo and site with online video.

7 tips for keeping client data secure

Businesses are particularly vulnerable to fraud because their information is often part of public record.

Who gets automatic tax filing extensions?

Victims of natural disasters, military personnel and others may not have to file by April 18,

Lean Six Sigma secrets

Ever wondered what, exactly, Lean Six Sigma is? LSS Master Black Belt and Boomer Consulting chief innovation officer Dustin Hostetler explains what it’s all about in this podcast.